狮子王~卷卷: THINGS TO DO BEFORE I DIE. Ann: 1. Tell my daughters I love them several times. Ann: 2. Find Don a new wife who the girls like. Ann: 3. Record birthday messages for the girls for every year until they're 18. Ann: 4. Go to Whalebay Bea
火星鱼:看剧好不好第一要义是make不make sense呼吸过度电影是不是believable这剧的设定有点太悬浮了LA人有那么不shallow那么nice的在加州住了10年感觉这不现实而且要接受这剧的设定就得承认一个残疾人的桃花都比自己好太多帅哥都爱他你能接受么你觉得可能么扯淡
永是永恒的恒: talked a lot, but never communicated, never look into the eyes of each other冰冷的念白单调的表情应该影响了布列松// There's nothing else in life but youth and love, unending tenderness and quiet happiness. When i'm near the grave and look back on my life, I'll say to myself,I suffered much and often made mistakes, but I have loved.Yesterday I ordered the headstone for my grave and i decided what shall be on it. Just two words: Amor Omnia. Love is All